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In my book, Go Shake The Trees, I lift the curtain on some of the top tips previously kept under wraps by seasoned professionals. Let this book be a valuable resource tool as you “shake things up” while you are on your path to becoming an extraordinary sales professional.
“The feedback from the team has been overwhelmingly positive and I believe that Lucinda is born to be a trainer or facilitator in programs like this. During the time I worked with her, we had 2 opportunities to succeed, 2 success stories followed and opened up further doors for Lucinda on her training and support path. If I was still in the same capacity that I was during the period I worked with Lucinda, I would bring her in to train and motivate the team once more. Anyone wanting to take her on for the same will not regret it and may praise her as much as I have done over the last few years.”
“I would like to express my gratitude with the professional and value-adding work you and your team have done with our Business Consultants. We asked you to develop their presentation – and communication skills and you delivered not only on that, but the participants also reported that they have much more confidence post the training to interact with their clients on a personal level as well as in a more public setting.”
“This program was hosted by Lucinda and her team over a 3-week period via Zoom. From Axim’s side we had a good mix of experienced salespeople as well as some newbies. The course material was very well presented and the interaction between Lucinda and the team was extremely positive. She was able to get even the shyest person out of their skin and join into the learning and knowledge sharing in a fun way.”
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We take your personal and business growth seriously. If you are looking for growth and results then you have found the best place to be. Feel free to get in touch with us