The Growth Catalyst

Dare To Thrive!

Dare To Thrive!

The Sales & Facilitation Expert

Lucinda Harman, The Growth Catalyst, offers dynamic world-class sales performance training and facilitation sessions challenging you every step of the way to not only succeed but thrive. From tailor-made workshops for your ultimate sales success to intensive facilitation sessions to navigate through challenging times to thriving. With my genius and ability to energise, inspire and refocus your salespeople, being a catalyst for your growth and theirs. Challenging times create major success stories if you choose to thrive!

Lucinda Harman, The Growth Catalyst, offers dynamic world-class sales performance training and facilitation for your outstanding success. I provide tailor-made workshops to deliver on your needs. With my genius and ability to energise, inspire and refocus your salespeople, being a catalyst for your growth and theirs.

Clientele I Have Worked With


Available Now on Amazon

Go Shake the Trees!

In my book, Go Shake The Trees, I lift the curtain on some of the top tips previously kept under wraps by seasoned professionals. Let this book be a valuable resource tool as you “shake things up” while you are on your path to becoming an extraordinary sales professional.

Dare To Thrive!

How I Help You

Sales Training & Performance

Sales Performance Training

Simplify, Guide & Solution Focused


Public Speaking

Keynote Speaking

Get In Touch With Me

Why be average, why settle?

I dare you to thrive!

This is a sign and your call to step up in your life. Release those shackles of feeling unfulfilled, frustrated and stuck. A decision you will wish you had taken a long time ago. It is now or never! Growth is not an option yet a priority in your life. It can be a rollercoaster at times yet it is always worth it. You owe it to yourself and those that need you to thrive. If that is a huge YES and you are ready to ‘shake the trees’ in your life then please get in touch with me.  

I am interested in taking your business and personal results and success to the next level. If you are ready to thrive and looking for extraordinary growth and results, say yes and get in touch. 

The Growth Catalyst

With The Growth Catalyst’s 34 years of experience and industry knowledge, you will achieve extraordinary results that seemed like an imaginary wishlist. Let me show you how.